Nepal’s Trouble And Nationalism?

March 28, 2007 at 12:39 pm 8 comments

Nepal’s Trouble And Nationalism?

– Dr. Chandrakala

Members of the SPAM are sometimes blaming Hindu fundamentalist along with royalists for fermenting trouble in the Terai. For God’s sake, who started it? Anyway why abolish Hinduism as a state religion? Was there a specific demand for that during the movement? Why did that happen? Now what do you expect the Hindus to do, applaud the performance? The SPA brought it upon themselves. Ask Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Vatican to renounce their state religion. How would the people react if a bunch of once (long time back) elected members of the House of Representatives were to declare the nation a secular state, without holding a referendum or the political party without contesting on a secular state wins overwhelming majority in the election. Who defines ‘people’s mandate’? Would history deal with such aberrations kindly?

As far as imprisoning few former Ministers and blaming them without evidence for the Terai unrest is pathetic. The results of the SMS poll conducted by Kantipur TV is a clear indication. More than 54% believe that it won’t solve the problem. The stupidity was seen when the SPA government blamed the royals one day and in the very next day formed a committee to find out the cause of the Terai unrest.

Let us face it! The dominant group in Nepalese politics and government, in which all political parties are firmly entrenched, have only paid lip service to decentralization for decades. This has to be corrected. All groups must feel part of the national identity and should be directly involved in decision making concerning them. They can and will contribute to the national mosaic. Affirmative action is must and association with an Institution which rises above the differences are the requirements of the day. One could go into details as indeed should be done by all prominent people from all over the country bereft of political demagoguery or inflammatory presentations. However, one doesn’t dare to speak more in such a charged atmosphere.

But the interim constitution was the product of the bullying by the majority of all not so well represented communities forcing them to take a back seat. They cannot be denied. And that also after having encouraged them with so many lofty promises. Expectation minus reality equals frustration, and frustration finds a violent outlet as at the present moment. Get rid of the Monarchy and everything would be all right? It might have exactly the opposite effect. Moreover I am not Royal apologist, but just a student of world history.

The King has been stripped of all his powers including ceremonial status of the Head of the State. That vacuum has been filled by a group of unelected politicians exercising all sorts of power in the name of the elusive “people’s mandate”. The Maoists have been brought into the mainstream in the sense that they have declared a ceasefire, are now part of the interim legislature and have agreed to handover weapons to the UN Mission in Nepal. Verification of combatants became a tricky issue, so it was agreed that whoever will bring in whatever weapon in the camps will be recorded and stored in containers, the keys of which would be with the Maoists themselves and a siren would go off in UN office if the locks are tampered with. Despite such successes, Maoist .

The issues have been federalism, proportional representative system and fresh delineation of constituencies according to population. The role of the media has been completely opposite to that during the April movement. There has hardly been any international coverage. Instead of highlighting human loss, media report that peace is being restored despite reporting that curfew is still being imposed in major areas and police posts are being looted by Terai activists. Our forefathers kept the national spirit alive and we still hold our heads high. The independence which our ancestors preserved before the might of the British Empire might be compromised by the selfishness and greed of the present breed. Have we become a nation of mercenaries?



Entry filed under: Articles.


8 Comments Add your own

  • 1. posts  |  March 28, 2007 at 9:18 pm

    some of posts of are at

  • 2. Pushkar  |  March 29, 2007 at 8:48 am

    Dear All,
    It is shocking and irritating to see the communal biasness of Nepalese Medias coverage’s and their misinterpretation concerning the relation between the MPRF and some Indians organizations. Could you people dare to say, is there any political institution or national level political cadres in Nepal who do not have such relation with Indian political institutions or political people? Or is there any history exists until now in Nepal that any major Nepalese political parties or national dominating political leaders including Maoist have been surviving without the Indian affiliation or Indian political supports? Why you people interpreting the MPRF relation in such communal way? I could not understand that why Nepalese Medias is now being more biased and trying to promote communal violence through such pathetic interpretation of their relation.

    I do not mean that we should not oppose their violent activities. I am also against the all types of violence and undemocratic political activities. However, such communal biased media’s interpretation is not a proper way to deal with such problem. It is creating more aggression and frustration in the heart and mind of majorities Madheshi people. I trust that the exiting media’s interpretation will encourage more MPRF and others to attempt violence activities, and to achieve more support from the other Indian parties. I think media should stop immediately such communal biased interpretation otherwise; it will bring terrible results that will be more unfortunate in forthcoming days. Thank you.

  • 3. one  |  August 8, 2009 at 6:47 am

    Imagine there’s no countries
    It isn’t hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace…

  • 4. sabir mahato  |  August 15, 2009 at 11:40 am

    Almost madhesi people always fight with each other they don’t allow to do something for other madhesi people very well.So i heartly suggest to every madhesi people don’t push onyone in backward rather supporting in their destination.And another thing is that we should struggle in every step of life we madhesi people don’t know how to struggle. So we need always ready to face any kind of problem which comes in our life rather we live in home country or in other country. we have to one thing we r not in backward condition we are made back so always ready to be a fore ward. At last i want to say my words that troubles always troubls u don’t trouble to the trouble until trouble troubles u.

  • 5. un  |  August 24, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    better do sthng than suggesting others. just self evaluate yourself -what was your first step towards the peace,freedom and developement of terai- and one more thind don’t ever call it “madhesh” -it is terai for good
    if u have lack of knowledge just increse yor history abt the terai-u’ll get lots of thing here at side of the page just try it
    and just write ok

  • 6. sameer  |  January 25, 2010 at 8:49 am

    if madhesi dont provoke madhes than who?

  • 7. sameer  |  January 25, 2010 at 8:54 am

    wearing dhoti is better than wearing jeans buyed with the money earned by all you phade bitch mother n sister of thamel n many other whorehouse

  • 8. sanu maya kc  |  January 26, 2010 at 7:34 am

    भैरहवा, २०६६ माघ ११ –
    एक सभासदलाई के-के मोह होला ? अन्य सभासदलाई जे-जे मोह भए पनि रूपन्देही २ का ओमप्रकाश यादव ‘गुल्जारी’ लाई भने सलाम मोह निक्कै रहेछ । आफूलाई सलाम नगर्ने एक प्रहरी हवल्दारलाई लात हान्नसमेत उनी पछि परेनन् ।

    नचिनेर सलाम नगरेका मर्यादपुर प्रहरी चौकीका हवल्दार प्रकाश गुप्ता चौकीनजिकैको त्रिलोकपुरमा बुधबार सभासद गुल्जारीको आक्रमणमा परेका हुन् । गुप्ता मठमन्दिर र मस्जिदको विवरण बुझेर ल्याउन ड्युटीमा खटिएका थिए । घटनास्थल सभासद यादवकै घरनजिकै पर्छ ।

    जमघटसहित त्रिलोकपुरस्थित एक पसलमा चिया खाँदै गरेका यादवले हवल्दार गुप्तालाई बोलाएर आक्रमण गरेका हुन् । अपरिचित व्यक्तिले बिनाकारण हप्कीदप्की गरेपछि ‘तपाइर्ं को ? मेरो के गल्ती भो र गाली गनर्ुभो ?’ भनेर हवल्दारले सोध्दै गर्दा सभासदले ‘म तेरो बाउ हो, चिनिनस्’ भन्दै सभासदको लोगो टाँगिएको कोट हल्लाएर प्रहरी पोसाकमै रहेका गुप्तामाथि खनिएका थिए । ‘सुरुमा लात्ती हानिहाल्नुभो, हातले पनि थप्पड हान्दा पछाडि सरेर जोगिएँ,’ पीडित गुप्ताले भने, ‘सभासद भन्ने पहिल्यै चिनेको भए सम्मान र सलाम गर्ने थिएँ ।’

    हवल्दारमाथि सभासदले आक्रमण गरेपछि उपस्थित स्थानीय बासिन्दाले बेकसुरमाथि दुव्र्यवहार भन्दै विरोध गरेका थिए । त्यसपछि सभासद यादवले ‘अन्जानमा गल्ती भयो’ भन्दै माफी मागेका थिए । ‘अरूले मप्रति सहानुभूति देखाउन र उहाँको विरोध गर्न थालेपछि गल्ती भयो भन्दै मसँग हात मिलाएर मित्रवत व्यवहार गर्न थाल्नुभयो,’ गुप्ताले भने । सभासद गुल्जारीले भने आरोप झूटो भएको दाबी गरे ।

    ‘हवल्दारको गल्ती भएको भए कारबाही गर्ने पक्षमा थिएँ,’ प्रहरी उपरीक्षक छविलाल बन्जाडे जोशीले भने, ‘तर घटनाबारे बुझ्दा प्रहरीबाट गल्ती भएको देखिएन ।’

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